Fair Warning - this is not an exciting post. It's essentially a before / after with a perk.
So, here is the before:

A little scary, no? Well, they don't call it a junk drawer for nothing. Truth be told, its not that bad - there is a layer of organization covered up by a layer of "throw-it-in-and-close-the-drawer", so really I just had to sort through what was on top.
Here is the after:

Like my use of the silverware tray? Our house has an amazing built-in silverware tray, so when we moved in, the one we had became a junk-drawer organizer. Its actually very useful, although I wish the compartments were full compartments, without openings between them. But it works for now. Behind the silverware tray is a stack of manuals for appliances, and a phonebook on top.
So what's the bonus? When going through the appliance manuals, I found this:

Closer inspection for why I kept this:

I know. Who keeps receipts for light bulb warranties? But, it just so happens that I also have this:

Now, I'm pretty sure I may have an issue with the wiring in this can. We have replaced this bulb 2 times since we moved in, and not for any other areas at all. BUT - who am I to argue with a 5 year warranty, original receipt, and the packaging? I knew I was a packrat for a reason.
So, I mailed it off, and we'll see if I get a response! Overall time to organize the junk drawer? 5 minutes. Tops. Cost of a replacement bulb? $5.98 + tax. Cost of a stamp: $0.45. Dollars saved by checking something off of my list: $5.53. Extrapolated hourly salary: $110.60/hour baby!!!! Livin' large over here!!!! If only I could make that much money for longer than a 5 minute period! HA.
edit: linking to

Great find in the clutter! That's nice!
ReplyDeleteOh those fabulous junk drawers...we love them & hate them at the same time!
Thanks Lisa! I'm not taking any bets on how long before it gets back to looking like the before picture. Oh well - I'm trying! HA.