This was the view of the problem area before:
I really disliked where the treadmill was, but I wasn't sure what else to do with it! I want it in my room so I can use it often, but it ends up becoming a junk trap! (How did it get so bad?!) I was sick of seeing all the piles and using my treadmill for a storage area. I need to be able to use the machine for it's purpose...not to store all the junk! So I started to sort...and sort...and sort!
I found that most of the stuff piled on there were maternity clothes. My daughter is 10 months old and our last baby, so I started to document the items using It's Deductible Online, which I love! It keeps track of your donations throughout the year, then imports directly into Turbo Tax when you're doing your taxes. It's great! I boxed them up and they're ready for Purple Heart to pick them up. Junk gone...check! In the process I found some "treasures" that were not donation worthy and ended up filling a huge black garbage bag!
I also wanted to figure out how to get our new TV higher, without mounting it on the wall. We had a TV stand in our room before that held our old box TV. It's not the fanciest piece of furniture, but it is tall! So I decided to haul out the old TV (which my husband reluctantly carried to the garage by was heavy!) and I decided to find a new purpose for this piece of furniture.
I moved the treadmill parallel to the wall by the windows, which left a space just the right size for the TV stand. I found two shelves inside the stand which I plan to use as shelves for some of my sweaters and sweatshirts that are too bulky for drawers. I just need to get the little pegs to hold up the shelves. Here is the view of the finished furniture placement.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I like being able to turn the TV towards the treadmill for when I'm walking. And for some reason our room feels so much bigger! Maybe it's because you are not walking into that TV stand when you enter our room or maybe it's because there is a lot less junk all over! So I am counting this as a success!
My next project...finish the TV stand and post pictures! Stay tuned...! :)
Edit: Linking to

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