Back when I was childless and single and spent money on things like purses, I bought an amazing black coach purse. It was my present to myself after a work bonus. It was more money that I had spent on a purse in ever. But I have used it lots and lots and lots. I have to say I was very impressed with the quality. The fabric is super thick (more like luggage than a purse). But after 5 years of lots of use, its looking more than a little sad.
The fabric is a little worn at the folds, and the piping is worn through in some areas. So, I'm sending it in for repair. A simple google found me a form to fill out, so I filled it out, paid the $20, and am mailing it off today.
I am not sure quite what to expect - its normal wear and tear to tell the truth, but I would love it if they were able to do something to repair it.
I will post on the results when I hear back.
Depending on how things work out, this could be a great example of how organization can pay off! It really doesn't take long to put something together and send it out for repair. Meanwhile, I don't have a purse cluttering my closet that is in disrepair, and hopefully some good will come of it!
How do you organize your warranties? Do you have anything that could be a quick fix, but instead is cluttering up a closet?
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