1. total up nieces and nephews - I gained 2 more this past year!
2. Purchase a card for each one (I like the 99 cent Target cards - they are cute, cheap, and they have lots of designs)

4. Include any "extras" - we put in $1 for each year they have been alive, and usually some stickers for the younger kids.

5. Write their birthday in the upper corner, where the stamp will cover it when its mailed

6. put them in order of when they need to be sent out - and put them in a clipboard.

Now - I have all their birthdays on my calendar - so remembering them was never the problem. It was remembering them at the same time as I was in the store to buy a card, and having the other necessary items. This way, I have everything ready to go, and when I remember or see that their birthday is w/in the next week I immediately go grab the card, put a stamp on it, and drop it in the mail.

OOH! I love that! I always have tons of cards around, but I never get around to sending that at the right time. Great idea!